A-Z Index


Residential Life Student Governments

Residential Life student governments are your link to the administration and provide opportunities for leadership. Responsibilities include social, educational, and service activities in the residence halls and around campus. Leadership roles are designed to provide better programs and services for all residents. The governments provided tremendous opportunities to get involved and have a positive effect on your living environment.

Contact your RA or Hall/Complex Director for more information about these leadership opportunities.

Residence Halls: Hall Improvement & Activity Boards

Each residence hall at Northwest has a hall activity and improvement board. Each Hall Council is composed of an executive board (elected by the residents) and floor representatives, who are elected around the second week of school. Each government meets weekly to plan activities, vote on expenditures, and work for positive changes and building improvements.

Hall boards provide opportunities to participate in the planning and implementation of a variety of activities. Programming for groups is one way to build communities and to develop personal support within a group setting. It is also an excellent way to meet new people and develop friendships.  In short, involvement can add another dimension to your college experience. Whether you are a member of the audience or a planner, your experiences with programming while living in the residence halls can benefit you. As a supplement to classes and studying, residence hall government offers the opportunity to grow and learn beyond the textbook. Make use of it!

If you are interested in getting involved in your hall's board, have an issue you would like to see addressed, or have an event you would like to see happen, contact your RA/SA for more information.  They will help you make that connection. 

Forest Village Apartments Community Action Board (CAB)

A Community Action Board (C.A.B.) has been organized in the apartment community for the purpose of serving the specific needs of the residents. CAB provides a medium for effective communication among residents, apartment staff, and the University. It acts as a planning body for the community as well as representing residents of University Housing- Apartments in matters affecting operation and policies. CAB can also provide support, information, assistance, and networking with other residents. Fundraisers and a variety of community activities can be planned through CAB. Every resident is invited to attend the monthly meetings. Meeting times and dates will be posted. CAB can provide much for your community, but residents must utilize it by attending the meetings and getting involved. C.A.B. belongs to the residents and can become what the residents of Forest Village Apartments want and need.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

RHA LogoResidence Hall Association

In addition to individual residence hall councils and CAB, there is another level of hall governance and programming in which you may participate. The Residence Hall Association (RHA) serves as a unifying body for all the residence halls on campus. Besides sponsoring such annual events as Casino Night, Food Factor, Welcome Kits, Highway Clean-up, and A Night Out (Spring Formal), RHA voices the opinions of residence hall students to University administrators on a variety of issues relating to residential life. The organization's primary channel of communication is through the Residential Life Office.

Representatives from each residence hall serve in the RHA general assembly. Any resident may participate in all projects and meetings sponsored by RHA; however, only elected representatives can vote.

The RHA Office is located in The Station and students are encouraged to stop by and learn more about the organization. For more information about RHA and the many leadership opportunities at Northwest, contact a Residential Life staff member. All RHA meetings are open to everyone. RHA meets every Wednesday at 5 p.m. in The Station. This is just one more way to become involved in your living environment. Email RHA at, or come to a meeting.

National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

NRHH provides recognition and support for those individuals who have contributed outstanding service and provided important leadership in the advancement of the residence hall system. NRHH strives to provide a means by which the members can continue to develop their leadership qualities as well as act as a resource in educating and programming leadership information and skills to the campus.

NRHH is comprised of the top one percent of student leaders in the residence halls. Nominations, selection, and induction of members take place during the spring semester. NRHH shares office space with RHA and is located in The Station.